
bikes and church

someone gave me a pamphlet about the 11th blessing of the bikes at the cathedral of st. john the divine. apparently this is like a yearly thing where people would bring their bikes, scooter, roller blades etc. and have the priest bless them all. i guess for protection or buang pahala lah kot. at the beginning of the ceremony, everybody gathered at the front of the church and then slowly entered the church in a procession with their bikes. during the ceremony, they also read out names of bike riders who died in an accident in the past years, which i thought was a nice thing to do. don't think i'll be seeing this kind of thing happening in malaysia any time soon. oh, and by the way, the ceremony was open to any body from any religious background. p/s...make sure you check out the video i took from the ceremony in bikes & church - part 2.


ocoi said...

Ocoi baru tahu ada pula hal begini kat bumi ni. Best juga kalau kat Malaysia ada cam tu kan kadazan man? Tapi mungkin takla seramai cam dalam gambar posting kadazan man ni.. kerana di Malaysia kebanyakkannya hanya budak2 aja yang selalu tunggang basikal.

Kadazan Man in New York said...

betul ocoi. memang tak ramai orang terutamanya di sabah menggunakan basikal. kalau di kl mungkin adalah tapi hanya untuka tujuan rekreasi. boleh dikatakan 75% penduduk di new york city tidak mempunyai kereta. populasi new york city dianggarkan seramai 8.2 juta orang penduduk. kebanyakan orang di sini sering mengguna kemudahan pengangkutan awam untuk tujuan riadah, membeli-belah ataupun pergi kerja. servis pengangkutan boleh dikatakan effisienlah. bas, keretapi komuter, kereta api bawah tanah dan teksi segalanya serba lengkap. kadang-kadang ada masalah teknikal dll. tapi itu semua biasalah.

CathJ said...

Wahhhh....so what did you bring KdzMan? hihihi..

KY Chua said...

Wow! How many bikes were there? Seem like hundreds. :D

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

that good, just take a bike save money to rite.

de Engineur said...

ni basikal ni dorang pakai utk rekreasi jak ka atau utk pi kerja juga?
This reminds me of Ho Chi Minh city where people throng the road with bicycles as primary means of transportation.

Kadazan Man in New York said...

cath j - i was thinking about bring my kereta sorong:)

ky chua - think there were about 200 people who participate in the event.

de engineur - from the look of the crowd that came on that day they probably use their bikes for recreational purposes. however, there were a few who looked like bike messenger whose job is to deliver mail, package etc in matter of hours or minutes from one office another mainly in manhattan. this service is run by a private company that works like any type of courier services but uses bikes to do the delivery.

TIMADANG said...

i love New york!!