
at the museum

i decided to spend my saturday afternoon at the american museum of natural history. i know there are tonnes of museum in nyc but just don't have the interest to visit them all. i figured that i should take advantage of a voucher that someone gave me which allows me to enter the museum for free. i did come up with a reason while i was in there why i haven't drag myself to visit all of the museums. think i am just to lazy to read all the description. i saw others were really into reading the description. anyway, i spent 2 hours watching two hours of documentary at the imax theater about dinosaur and ocean wildlife, picked only exhibits that i am interested in and snapped few pictures here and there.

main entrance to the museum - theodore roosevelt rotunda

grand gallery - entrance to northwest coast indians gallery

northwest coast indians gallery

rose center for earth and space - partial view of the big bang gallery

milstein hall of ocean life
...did realize picture came out that bad

saurischian dinosaurs gallery

primitive mammals gallery
...i think!

milstein hall of advanced mammals
...again, i think!

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